Psychic Psycho

"But it's the Major one you want to fight." I'd started this one pondering the idea that the Psychic Psycho wasn't so much on fire, but that his suit has become a sort of psyonically-generated living flame. Well, I goofed somehwere along the way in drawing it and saved it as a png and its layers weren't preserved... Oh well. I abandonned it but submitted it anyway, 'cause it still was looking kinda' cool.

"But it's the Major one you want to fight." I'd started this one pondering the idea that the Psychic Psycho wasn't so much on fire, but that his suit has become a sort of psyonically-generated living flame. Well, I goofed somehwere along the way in drawing it and saved it as a png and its layers weren't preserved... Oh well. I abandonned it but submitted it anyway, 'cause it still was looking kinda' cool.