First, the housekeeping: all of our mods have some new beefed up privileges that let them transfer topics into their specialized boards and deal with any spambots they might see. But their areas of focus haven't changed! If you ever wonder who to ask about a board-specific question, check the sidebar on the right to see who your friendly neighborhood mods are.
Second, it's my honor to announce that three of our super mods have been promoted to admins.
Boots has been a member of the site since 2011. A talented musician and creative visionary, he has worked in visible roles spearheading site events (Weezerfest, a certain ARG, and many a funfest) as well as on site policy and governance behind the scenes. He brings vivacity and joy to the community as well as sound counsel and judgment, and our community is livelier for his involvement.
broomweed has been a member of the site since 2012. A talented programmer and game developer, broomweed brought Porcotrade to life for last year's EBFGPS funfest, and she consistently offers sound judgment on moderating matters behind the scenes. In both moderating and event planning, broomweed has a talent for identifying problems before they become problems so they can be addressed, and our community runs much smoother because of her involvement.
LadyTe has been a member of the site since 2014. A talented writer, LadyTe has helped organize and run all kinds of site activities, from monthly riddles to funfests to Mafia games. Many of our site communications have benefited from her keen eye for clear communication and stray commas. She's a powerful voice for ensuring our community upholds our principles, and our community is kinder and more welcoming because of her influence.
I can't overstate the contributions these three folks have brought to the community, and I can't overstate my gratitude for their effort and passion. The magic of Starmen.net comes from the people in it, and I'm proud to work alongside our admins, our mods, and the community at large to keep the spirit of this wonderful community burning bright!